Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy New Year (..yes I know I'm a bit late)

Happy New Year! Okay, I am a bit late but it really is still January so, still counts. I've been pre-occupied with the best visitors in the world - mum and dad! It was a good distraction and also great help as I had help with meals and cleaning plus watching lots of YouTube and many long chats.

I've given up on New Year Resolutions but this year I just have one. Recover completely. Even then it is ironic because it's not really something within my control so let's call it a new year wish. Do you still make New Year Resolutions?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Growing Collection of Christmas Decorations

My husband is an incredibly festive person and would jump at nearly every opportunity to show it. It was five Christmases ago that we had our very first Christmas in our own home. It was extremely exciting to have a blank canvas and clean slate to build our decorations on. Over the years we have collected a few things. After the first year there really wasn't any room left for more decorations but sometimes you just find something in the sale that somehow makes its way into the collection. 

I've been trying to slowly replace some generic baubles on the tree for nicer and fancier ones so we treat ourselves to some new decorations if the right ones come along. I came across these three and absolutely loved them especially at 40% off! 
Last year we were lucky enough to be on holiday just before Christmas so guess what our souvenirs were? Christmas ornaments! This Mickey Mouse from Disneyworld doubles up as a popcorn container but after washing it out we just store the dog's stocking in there now. 

We also had a haul from Seaworld last year bringing home a stocking and tree ornament. The walrus? We won that! 

This here is definitely my new favourite find this year. Look how it lights up! I love wood decorations and this beautifully laser cut tree is perfect especially with the light! I love lights and sparkly things. 

Now I can't wait for Boxing Day sales to see what other little treasures I might find for next Christmas. Do you love collecting Christmas decorations too? What are your favourite decorations?

Happy Holidays! xx

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Power of the Christmas Spirit

I was sitting on my couch yesterday evening while hubby was enjoying his new PS4 Killzone bundle - finally able to play after trying to set it up, solve his HDMI cable/port dilemma, get a new ethernet cable, audio jack adapter for his Turtle Beach PX3 headphones because the world will end if it doesn't work with PS4. I've been pretty immobile and tired lately trapped in a mess of physicians, health professionals, scans and alternative medicine with no one able to tell me what is wrong. As much as we have a great health care system, it takes too long to see anyone even privately the waiting times are ridiculous. 

I've been browsing through social media a lot out of boredom and came across a post about Christkindlmarkt in Hahndorf till 10pm! It was 7.30pm and I looked at hubby in his own world and said "There's a Christmas Market in Hahndorf! European style!" To my surprise he actually heard me, he thought it would be good for my spirits so we headed off straight away, bringing our pooch with us. 

I learnt that this was the first time this market was held and the organizers have done a fantastic job. It was fully decorated with Christmas lights, tinsel, stars and all with stalls selling all sorts from Christmas decorations to candles and food. 

Pretty Headbands on Sale

Beautiful hand painted, knitted and felt decorations - I may or may not have bought a few :-)

Hand made cards and decoration

My baby boy and hubby in the Christmas cheer

Luckily the market was on until 10pm as we only get there about 8pm. At 8.30pm the carols started, it was great atmosphere and the chilly winds in the hills somehow made this European Christmas market more European and cosy.

Christmas Nougat!

Soy Candles

I never used to celebrate Christmas but C is super festive about anything and everything and so when we got our own place, it rubbed off on me. I like decorating so I guess it didn't matter what the occasion was. It ended up being a nice night and it definitely lifted my mood and put a smile on my face. As for my own house, we certainly turn it into a Christmas grotto. 

What do you do to get in the Christmas cheer?

Friday, December 13, 2013


I started this blog in my school days long gone and have somehow come full circle to reviving this nostalgic hobby of mine. Made some theme changes and got rid of my old posts, not without reading them all again first. It reminded me of so much, all the friends and memories, innocence and fully energized joys. 

Today I decided to revive it as an outlet, distraction and companion. I suddenly find myself with a lot of spare time. In this time I need to fulfill some things, hopefully:

  • De-stress and rid any tension left in my mind and body
  • Recover - in full ideally
  • Become pain free
  • Do all the things I used to again
  • And STOP worrying
The days at home while my husband is at work will be a challenge and even my dog isn't quite enough to be a full time distraction. I never realized or felt like I was stressed but medical mysteries and pain can wear you down and it certainly has worn me out. Seven weeks into this mystery that is progressing in the wrong direction, I really need a magic wand.